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Act now to stop these Trojan Horse Trade Treaties

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The European Union and United States are currently negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). CETA, a similar agreement with Canada, is close to ratification.

(c) Friends of the Earth Europe

(c) Friends of the Earth Europe

These agreements could make it harder to stop fracking, protect our environment and combat climate change.

Together we can stop these dirty deals.

With organisations from across Europe, we are collecting one million signatures to demonstrate the strength of our opposition to TTIP.

Help stop TTIP and CETA.  Support the European Citizen’s Initiative against TTIP and CETA – sign the petition..

This petition is adminstered by Stop TTIP, a Berlin based coalition. By taking the action through this website, you are agreeing to be contacted by Friends of the Earth and Stop TTIP, unless you decide to opt out from hearing from either of us.

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