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Call for fracking regs to be weakened slammed

news release

Reacting to calls from University of Glasgow academics for regulations on the surface vibrations caused by fracking to be weakened, Friends of the Earth Energy campaigner Tony Bosworth said:
“Any move to weaken safety rules on fracking will send shock-waves around local communities who face the threat of shale gas extraction under their homes.

“The current regulations were introduced after the only well to be fracked in Britain caused earthquakes and damaged the wellbore. Such incidents can increase the risk of pollution.

“Further watering-down of regulations on the safety of fracking would be deeply unpopular and show that the Government is putting the interests of shale gas firms ahead of people.

“The report’s authors also say that the biggest cause of earthquakes from unconventional oil and gas extraction is reinjecting wastewater underground. But that’s precisely what the Government seems to be trying to allow through amendments to the Infrastructure Bill, currently going through Parliament.”


Notes to editors:

1. Energy engineers call for new regulatory framework for fracking.

For press information please contact the Friends of the Earth media team on 020 7566 1649.

Published by Friends of the Earth Trust

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