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Speak Up Mass Lobby of Parliament on 17 June

take action

The election is over and a fresh batch of MPs are settling in. Let’s make sure they know we demand action on climate change, right from the start of the new Government.

You can play your part by coming to Parliament on 17 June to lobby your MP alongside thousands of others at the ‘Speak up’ mass lobby.

Collectively we’ll be sending a strong message to every MP that action on climate change is now more urgent than ever.

Not sure how to influence your MP? Don’t worry, our political expert will be holding workshops on the day to make sure that you’re a force to be reckoned with.

It should be an unforgettable day. There will be fringe events in the morning, then between 1-4pm we’ll meet our MPs near Parliament.

At 4.30pm there will be a grand finale with inspiring speakers.

The day will have a festival feel, with music, other entertainers and art installations (for more information, download the Lobby Guide).

Sign up now to be a part of the ‘Speak Up’ lobby

We’ll keep you up to up to date with our plans, including fringe events and travel information.

Can you help spread the word further by distributing this printable flyer? (see images below)

Speak Up... For the Love of  250Speak Up... For the Love of  2nd side 250










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