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Friends of the Earth: Campaign Express

take action

When an MP receives a hundred letters they take notice. When a company director gets a thousand postcards in the mail, it makes things happen.

[flickr id=”8304257749″ thumbnail=”original” overlay=”true” size=”original” group=”” align=”left”] Join Campaign Express now and receive in the post or by email two packs a year on a current live issue like climate change or sustainable food production.

Each pack contains easy actions that are carefully planned to put pressure on the right people at the right time.

Take action: By taking each quick and easy Campaign Express action you really can make a difference.

See results:Each pack has an update telling you how effective your previous actions have been.

Join for free: Campaign Express is free. However, some actions may involve paying for a stamp or phone call.

The more people who take action, the more effective we’ll be.

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