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Take our coffee cup survey

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 The response to the petition to end coffee cup waste has been huge. We are piling on the pressure for action. But we don’t want to leave it at that. I’d love to know what you think should come next for the campaign.

As you know, 2.5 billion coffee cups are binned each year. It’s a massive problem. But we cut plastic bag use by 85% in the last year – proving that these problems can be fixed.

It’s time for the big coffee companies to get their act together on waste. We all need to work together to make sure they get the message.

Let’s ban coffee cups that can’t be recycled, and reward people for taking a reusable cup to the shop.

But should we ask the government to change the law, or go straight to the companies themselves to demand change? And would you like to take more action yourself?

Please fill in our survey and let us know what you think.

Thanks again or your support so far,



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